Wednesday, October 8, 2014


"I may not be my brother's keeper, but I am my brother's brother." --Jeffrey R Holland
*sigh* Finally, someone said what I have felt in my heart for so long.  It is not up to me to decide who is 'worthy' of love or assistance or patience or extra's.  It is up to me to be as kind & caring as I can and do what I can when I can.  It isn't my business why someone is the way they are or how they became that way; it is my business to love.

"Just because things are going well doesn't mean we shouldn't look for something better." --Carlos A Godoy

I'm grateful that Skyler has goals and dreams and knows what he wants to do with his life; I am.  But holy crap, school is wearing on us.  We see each other for minutes a day instead of hours.  We catch meals here and there, and to be honest it sucks.  I have never been more ready for a semester to be over and we're only halfway there.  I know that in the long run this will be worth it and that we are both doing our best.  We are still committed to going to sleep together and waking up together and most days we eat dinner together.  I am considering becoming a physics tutor just so I can see him once in a while. ;)
With that being said, I've had plenty of time to sew lately which has been fun.  I've been able to do some Pinteresting (that counts as time well spent, right? Not.) & snuggle up to the beagle.
We are running a 5K together this weekend which should be fun.  We'll see how my lungs hold up in the colder weather.

Other than that, it's just another semester.  We are surviving.  We are both still breathing.
& I am more blessed than ever to be married to the love of my life.  I'm grateful to be married to someone who fully supports me in all that I do; not just a man says "Go for it, babe" or "Yeah, ok", but one who jumps in head first with me, always.  I'm grateful for someone who is walking this path with me.  I'm grateful to be married to an amazing man who will someday be an amazing father.
I read a quote that said that marriage isn't 50-50, divorce is; Marriage is 100-100.  I know that to be true.  We are both working our butts off constantly to strengthen our marriage and lift each other higher.  & I am happy.  {Ok, other than that moment of weakness today when Skyler ran out of gas even though I constantly nag remind him to fill his stinkin' tank.  When I might have said, "Welp, that sucks. Good luck." & only went to pick him up because he was at the stinkin' busiest intersection in town and I was worried he might get rear-ended.}  Basically, I married up.  I don't deserve my husband, but dang it I'm glad to have him.  & even more glad to keep him forever & ever & ever & ever &...

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